From The Artist:
I really enjoy illustrating and paper. Seems natural to want to mix the two and make stationery! I absolutely love making my own patterns and illustrations and I get incredible satisfaction when I see the finished product.
How To Enter:
I just recently found out I am pregnant for the very first time. Needless to say, I am very excited but very nervous as I don't know what to expect. To enter please leave a comment and tell me what is the best thing about being a mother.
A winner will be picked from the comments on the evening of August 29th. When you leave your comment, please make sure there is a way that you can be contacted should you be the winner.
A fresh-out-the-bathtub toddler in PJs, curled up on your lap before bedtime, reading a book together.
There are so many....My children are grown youngest is 24. My daughter 31 is getting married on Sept 12. Two weeks away. Now you are just starting out and you have a lifetime. But during this time you will experience joy, sorrow, excitement, fun, fear, learning, anger,pride,dissapointment,laughterhappyness. Every emotion that God gave you. Then your children will be grown and things will settle into a routine. That is were I am now. I went shopping with two of my daughters last night to buy jeans. We went all over the mall. They complained about being to big to fit into a size 2. I wear 24. We shared a diet pepsi, and gummy bears. Every part of Parenting is great. From the begining up until the good Lord takes you from this earth. Have fun, it's a great life. I have 5 children all together.
The best thing about being a mother (so far) is watching my little toddler discover the world for the first time. Seeing him smile when he accomplishes something new and feeling the unconditional love he gives me.
If I win you can convo me at etsy. http://www.wimzieprints.etsy.com
Your cards are so cute!
Congrats on your pregnancy. I loved being pregnant.
I have 3 kids, the youngest just turned 15 months. One of my favorite things about being a mom is when my kids give me a kiss or a hug without me asking for one.
The best thing about being a mother is watching them discover something for the first time and every time she smiles at me!
I'm a single mummy to a toddler boy. The best thing is, after a long day where you feel like all you did was clean up after him, you tuck him up in bed, and he ewants endless kisses and cuddles, and without asking, he says "Thank you for cleaning up today mummy. I love you forever, you're my hero". I can be reached via etsy (FeltFoodCreations)
I'm too late for your contest but wanted to say congratulations!!
I've been sleeping so much I completely lost track of time! I thought today was the 29th and I see it's the 30th.
So the winner for this Giveaway is Heather. Congratulations! Convo me with your selections for the 5 Tweets Cards. Thanks to all of you who participated. :)
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